San Jose Teen Art Camp
This event has already passed
Five days of creative fun! This is not your typical "art class". Participants will be encouraged to express themselves through collage, mixed media, mask-making, and use found objects.
Monday: Collage and Color: We’ll explore the use of color in collage
Tuesday: mixed media: collage using paper and ephemera, paints and gels
Wednesday: Free expression: Make a collage to reflect what inspires you
Thursday: Still-life collage: how does working with paper differ from painting?
Friday: Free choice day! Kids can use any of the materials in the studio to experiment.
Lori Krein has been teaching Creativity and Collage workshops in San Jose for over 10 years. She is an accomplished artist, and hosts her own Public Access TV program on San Jose CreaTV, channel 15.
Visit my website to see photos from last year's Teen Art Camp.