Normally on Thanksgiving, I publish photos that I take of Downtown Campbell entirely emptied of its usual vitality as a counterfactual exercise of gratitude to remember all the things we have going for us. This year, I'm doing the opposite. I've dug into my archives to pull up photos from better days to remember the traditions that define who we are in a year when we've been entirely unable to observe any of these traditions that define who we are.
These are our traditions. They are great traditions and great traditions are not muted when unspoken nor forgotten when unseen.
Many of you have been forgoing your usual traditions this year too and we thank you for the care and love of your community expressed by your sacrifices. The end of the tunnel is coming and on the other side there is a light. Getting to it will still be difficult, but we hold fast and wait together.
It is dark now, but your suffering will have meaning soon. Find strength. Continue on.
Photos: Sheldon Chang, editor