A memorable gift or keepsake is more affordable than you think!
Portraits of family or loved ones, Pet portraits, Favorite Vacation Pictures, Celebrities or Scenic Landscapes, any project can be created!
A typical 16X20" oil painting can be yours for $300 to $400 depending on the complexity. Price does vary with the size of the work and can be decided as the project is discussed. Satisfaction is guaranteed, if you don't like it you don't pay!
To check out available art for sale, simply click on any picture to access full size pictures of my art. If you wish to purchase prints of my art go to http://brian-haney.fineartamerica.com. Feel free to "Like" my Facebook art page at http://facebook.com/brianhaneyart. If you wish to discuss a purchase or project, call me at the phone number at the top of this page or E-mail me at bhaney2@pacbell.net.