Pink Carnation Shop
Here at Pink Carnation, we believe everyone is worth celebrating and everyone deserves to dream big. We celebrate fearlessness, uniqueness, and imperfections that make us more beautiful. A brand that celebrates the true expressive art in fashion, we are both grateful and honored to be a part of your amazing story told through your fashion choices.
Our Purpose
Pink Carnation is a symbol of gratitude. Befitting of our name, The Pink Carnation Shop is aimed at showing gratitude and giving people more reasons to be grateful. We stay true to our values of community, authenticity, growth, and empowerment as we provide products and experiences that give customers confidence and reignite their sense of individuality in a fashion world dominated by big-box corporations.
“Let’s Grow Together”
We showcase free-thinking local artisans and independent designers. We not only aim to provide high-quality clothes that speak to your personality, but we also aim to build lifelong friendships as we empower each other and bond over quality products curated for real life and real people.