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Priority One Legal Document Services

950 S Bascom Ave Ste 1113
San Jose, CA 95128

Monday - Friday 9am -8pm

Priority One Legal Document Services also known as Affordable Divorce Services is the affordable non-attorney solution for all your legal document preparation needs in family law related matters. Priority One Legal was established in 1992 in Santa Clara County. Our team has over twenty years experience in assisting individuals with the preparation and court processing of their legal documents in which we possess a vast knowledge in the area of family law related matters. While the majority of our clientele are members of the public we have also associated with many law offices over the years assisting their firms with family law related cases. Our seasoned team of family law paralegals and Legal Document Assistants (LDA)’s have the knowledge and experience to professionally prepare and process legal documents in the following areas of family law:

  • Divorce (Dissolution)
  • Divorce by Publication (When you cannot locate your spouse)
  • Dissolution of Domestic Partnership
  • Legal Separation
  • Annulment
  • Stipulated Judgments/ Marital Settlement Agreements
  • Establish Paternity
  • Establish Child Custody, Visitation, / Support Orders
  • Modify Existing Child Custody / Visitation Orders
  • Increase/Reduce/Stop Existing Child / Spousal Support Orders
  • Collect and Withhold Child / Spousal Support
  • Interspousal Deed Title Transfers
  • Adult Name Changes

Peace of Mind

Although you can obtain “do-it-yourself” books and kits or utilize “internet” services to prepare your divorce or other legal documents, without the knowledge or background to understand how you should complete these documents, you could do yourself a greater injustice by not completing the documents correctly. Many of the books are only published once every year or two and cannot keep up to date with frequent changes in court procedures, local rules, or required forms. Additionally, most internet services will not inform you if your documents are later updated, and court procedures or local rules have changed. This could cause potential problems for you when you attempt to complete and file your documents.

By utilizing our service, you can be assured that we have the legal knowledge and experience to complete your documents pursuant to your request and save you valuable time by allowing our service to propertly prepare and process everything for you.We offer a “full service” to all of our clients, meaning that we will not only prepare your legal documents, but will also file and process all of your documents through the court in addition to assisting you in serving your spouse, should you need us to do so.

Why spend numerous hours trying to decipher all of the many documents required in addition to spending even more time going to the court and standing in long lines only to possibly have your documents rejected or be told that you are either missing documents or your documents have not been completed correctly?

Let our experienced Paralegals and Legal Document Assistants assist you in preparing your documents right the first time!


Priority One Legal Document Services
950 S Bascom Ave Ste 1113
San Jose, CA 95128