Free Health & Safety Fair

This event has already passed

Please join Assemblymember Jim Beall and Congressman Mike Honda for a free Health & Safety Fair at First Congregational Church of San Jose.

Today, 11am-2pm, we'll offer free health and dental screening, healthy eating information, CHP car seat safety checks (for those who register), fire safety information, identity theft preventoin, local health organization exhibits, health counselors to help Medicare beneficiaries, and free children's activities.

We'll also offer a presentation, beginning at 11:30am, by guest speaker Holly Pederson, Ph.D., who will discuss effective ways to stop bullying by children in cyberspace and in schools. And we'll host updates by Jim Beall and Mike Honda on federal and state legislation.

To RSVP, please phone Jim Beall's District Office at 408-282-8920

Cost: free

More Info

Event Details

Starts at:
1980 Hamilton Ave
San Jose, CA