PechaKucha - Crazy, Amazing, Heartwarming Presentations
This event has already passed

UPDATE: With ONE WEEK left to the show, here's more detail on the night's events:
- The Divisiveness of Mourning, by Scott Stiefvater
- These are My Real Lips, by Michael Goodson
- Rachel Cooperstein's Pretty Special World, byHoward Cooperstein
- Maker - A How To, by Mark Jaremko
- The Art of Maureen Starkey, by Mo Starkey
We'll also have some video shorts by Michael Goodson after the presentations, and the usual pre-show Pecha Kucha Karaoke and raffle with fabulous prizes. Reminder that audience members who arrive before 7:30 get a free raffle ticket, more tickets will be on sale during our intermission.
Hope to see you there!
Ready for no-holds-barred PechaKucha?
For those who don't know, PechaKucha is a presentation format where presenters each present 20 slides, and each slide advances to the next after 20 seconds. So after six minutes and forty seconds the presentation is done. It's kind of an Iron Chief for presenters, and it always leads to amazing, crazy, wonderful sessions with plenty of surprises!
The theme: Don't Confuse Me With Facts!
Tuesday April 17, Pecha Kucha Night San Jose Returns with Quick Presentations, Crazy Demos and a few surprises!
You will want to be at the Sonoma Chicken Coop in Campbell for this wonderful free event.
Yes, we're returning to "The Coop" Folks love the good food and reasonable prices.
We start up at 7, with presentations at 8. Please arrive early and thank our venue for their support by buying your dinner and drinks there.
We'll have another round of Pecha Kucha style PowerPoint Karaoke around 7:30, so brush up your improv!
We'll also continue the FREE raffle for folks who arrive before 7:30. Raffle tickets will be available for sale after 7:30.
Previously we've given away rare PowerPoint artifacts, Garr Reynold's book Presentation Zen and Nancy Duarte's book Slide:ology. What will we raffle off this time? That's going to be a surprise!
We're signing up presenters now so get in touch via the links below or feel free to contact Ric directly.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
General questions:
ricbret @ msn . com
More Info: