SLAC, Celebrating 50 Years of Scientific Discovery

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For five decades, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has pioneered groundbreaking discoveries from astrophysics to energy science. The home of cutting-edge facilities and technologies, scientists uncover mysteries on the smallest and largest scales - from the workings of the atom to the enig�mas of the cosmos. Research conducted at SLAC has led to Nobel prizes for discovering two fundamental particles, proving protons are made of quarks and showing how DNA directs protein manufacturing in cells.

And the future looks even brighter. Every year thousands of scientists use SLAC’s facilities to explore the universe and its fascinating constituents. From revolutionizing our understanding of biological processes, to uncovering the secrets of dark matter, SLAC is poised to play a key role.

Join Dr. Richter as he explains how SLAC helped define the science of today, and Dr. Holtkamp as he shares his vision of how SLAC will enable the science of the future.

Event Details

Starts at:
3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303