Intro to Modernism-Impressionism to Dada

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Intro to Modernism-Impressionism to Dada

$50.00 W 7:00-8:00 pm Room TBA at Del Mar high school.

Quarter 1: Aug 21-Oct 9

Quarter 2: Oct 23-Dec 18

Discover Modernism through the arts. The class will discuss the emergence of Modernism in the art world. We will take a visual historic tour to learn about art that evolved together with technology. This section will cover art movements during the late 19th century and early 20thcentury. Instructor, Maayan Glaser-Koren, is a graduate student in Art History at SJSU.

For more infromation please visit

Cost: 50

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Event Details

Starts at:
1224 Del Mar Ave
San Jose, CA 95128