Local U - Google-sponsored crash course in internet mktg
This event has already passed

If you have a local business, here are 3 reasons you should attend Local U on May 1st:
No one can find your business online!
You can be found, but no one is calling!
You have no idea how to fix those problems, nor do you have the budget!
Now's your chance to learn from the nation's leading online marketing experts in this intensive, four-hour crash course in Internet marketing that will help local businesses navigate the possibilities for marketing your business on the web. You’ll learn tips and techniques that will lead to sustained, long-term search engine rankings and new customers!
May 1st
8:30-1:00 PM
Orchard City Banquet Hall
1 West Campbell Avenue, Campbell, CA.
$99 early bird signup until May 1st!
Regularly $129
What Local U includes
- 4 hour crash course in search and online marketing in which you will be taught by the leading experts in the nation - including Google!
- Lectures are followed by afternoon roundtables where you can meet in small groups to discuss topics in greater detail and get your personal questions answered. You'll even be able to talk to Google and Bing and ask them your pressing questions!
- Take home workbook with checklists and a game plan for getting your site to rank high in the search engines!
FREE Workshop Follow-Up! A FREE 2 hour workshop will follow up the event a week or two later where you can get together with Kathy Long of Kat & Mouse Co., who is also a Local Search expert, and under her expert guidance you will complete the "Get Google rank" workbook and checklists you got at the event.
Seminar Agenda Summary
Introduction to Website Optimization
Learn how search engine results are generated and some of the major opportunities for small businesses to improve their visibility, including tactics to use on your own website to improve its ranking potential.
The ABCs of Local Search
In this session, we’ll dive into topics including how to rank well for searches in the local area and its surroundings, including a presentations from Google, Bing, and how to make sure you convert searchers into customers.
Understanding Your Website Traffic
Learn the basics of Google Analytics, including how to gain insight into your website’s traffic sources and convert more “visitors” to “customers.”
Getting Social Online
We’ll help you navigate the world of social internet marketing, including strategies to engage with customers and prospective customers using the most popular social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and blogs.
Internet Marketing for the Do-It-Yourselfers
Learn about some low-cost and free tools to consider if you’re just getting started on the web--and questions to ask if you’re thinking about bringing in a professional.
And much more!
Learn more about Local U
Meet the faculty: http://localu.org/about/faculty/
See the full agenda and sign up: http://localu.org/katandmouse
Capacity is limited so sign up now to avoid losing out!
Brought to you by
- Bing
- Comcast
- Mt. View Chamber of Commerce @ http://chambermv.org/
- Kat & Mouse Internet Marketing @ http://www.katandmouse.com
- Expand 2 Web @ http://www.expand2web.com
- Silicon Valley Business Journal @ http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/
- Customer Lobby @ http://www.customerlobby.com
- Whitespark @ http://www.whitespark.ca/
- Progressive Insurance @ http://www.progressive.com/
Sign up with discount code "katandmouse"