Street Fighter II + Mortal Kombat II Tournament at LVL UP
This event has been canceled.

Join us in Downtown Campbell for bi-monthly Super Street Fighter II Turbo & Mortal Kombat II Tournaments sponsored by AFKgg Tech + Games Center.
Registration fee includes one cocktail (or soda if under 21) for all players.
2020 Tournament Schedule: January 18, April 25, August 8, December 5.
- 1PM - Casual SSFIIT & MKII Arcade matches
- 2PM - Registration Starts
- 3PM - MKII Bracket Starts
- 3:15 PM - SFII Bracket Starts
- 4:45 PM - Awards
Entry Fee
$10 per player. Half of the regular fee goes to the total prize pool. The other half goes to tournament promotion, tournament staff, payment for Super Street Fighter II Turbo and Mortal Kombat II games, and additional prizes.
Register at LVL UP the day of the tournament.
Bracket & Structure
Double elimination. Best 2 out of 3 rounds per game. Best 2 out of 3 games for all sets. Winner must keep character. Loser can change character. Maximum of 32 players will be allowed.
- 1st place - 75% of the prize pool + swag
- 2nd place - 25% of the prize pool + swag
- 3rd place - swag
- No outside food or drinks at any time.
- Please keep language appropriate and behavior sportsmanlike, this is an all ages tournament.
- By entering this event you consent to be filmed, photographed and broadcasted online.
- Tournament organizer makes the final call on all situations.
Questions? Please email