Memorial Day Ceremony - Campbell Veterans Memorial Foundation
This event has already passed

Please join the Campbell Veterans Memorial Foundation and the City of Campbell on Memorial Day to honor and remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country.
Order of Events
Master of Ceremony
Len Duncan
Posting of the Colors
CUHSD Marine Corp Jr. ROTC
Pledge of Allegiance
Local Scout Troop
National Anthem
Angela Tirado
James Clark-Moore
BG Steve McLaughlin
Brigadier General 63rd Readiness Division
Honorable Otto Lee
Santa Clara County Supervisor
Honorable Dave Cortese
California State Senator
Honorable Anna Eshoo
Congresswoman Presentation of Flag
Honorable Paul Resnikoff
Mayor City of Campbell
Community Memorial Wreath
Honor your veteran by placing a flower in their name in our traditional Memorial Day Wreath. Time will be provided during the program will be available for those attending to participate.
21 Gun Salute
American Legion Post 99 / 809
Closing Remarks
Len Duncan
Band Music Provided by Del Mar High School Band
Bagpipe Music provided by Hal Wilkes