2025 Bunnies and Bonnets Parade Application

We invite your group to join us for the 2025 Bunnies and Bonnets Parade! We'll be taking applications for this year's parade from March 7th through April 4th.

Our late Sally Howe was the organizer of the Bunnies and Bonnets parade for many years of its 20+ year history. The Downtown Campbell Business Association (DCBA) is proud to carry on this beloved community event in Ms. Howe’s memory. Thank you for joining us and for helping to make this parade a success!

The parade begins at noon on Campbell Avenue. It travels from the VTA Light Rail tracks down Campbell Ave. to Third St. The parade is not judged and no prizes will be awarded. We’re here just for fun!


This is a family friendly event. Only online applications will be accepted. All applications are subject to approval by the organizers of the parade. We will let you know if you've been approved to be in the parade shortly after the entry deadline. Specific instructions for parade participants will also be sent by e-mail.

If you have questions, please email Brooke Ramirez at bunniesandbonnets@gmail.com.

For all for-profit organizations, a $50 fee is required for participation in the parade. Entry fee is waived for current Downtown Campbell Business Association members.

About Your Organization

Please include a brief summary about your organization of no more than 35 words. This is what the announcers will read about your group. If your summary is too long, the announcers will only say the name of your group when your group is in the parade.

Briefly explain what your group will be doing in the parade or use this space for anything you'd like to tell us.

By submitting this form you acknowledge the following limits of liability:

I/We, the undersigned, do hold harmless and release from liability the DOWNTOWN CAMPBELL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, the CITY OF CAMPBELL and the CAMPBELL PARKS & RECREATION FOUNDATION, its Officers, Agents and employees from any and all claims arising out of, or related to, the CAMPBELL BUNNIES & BONNETS PARADE, and agree to indemnify the above for any and all damages, claims, causes of action, losses, liability, judgments, costs, costs of collections and attorney’s fees arising out of or related to the above activity. I HAVE READ THIS HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS. (If unsigned, application will not be processed.)