Sunday, October 20, 2019
East Stage (by light rail tracks)
- 10am-1pm: Rusty Rock n' Roll Band
- 2pm-5pm: Given to Fly
Biersch Garten (center of downtown)
- 10am-5pm: Zicke-Zacke Band
- 2:00pm: Braumeister (Home-Brew) Competition
- 3:00pm: Stein-Holding & Best-Dressed Contests
1st. St. Stage
- 10am-1pm: Bri Cauz
- 2pm-5pm: Lavender Fields
Tessora's German Stage (by Tessora's)
- 10am-5pm: Alpine Sound
Community Stage (West end of downtown)
- 10am: National Anthem
- 10:30am: Sharat Lin-Dance of Peace
- 11am: Westmont High School Jazz Combo
- Noon: Jack Pavlina Solo
- 1pm: Ooompa Band with Roberta Howe
- 2pm: Maximum Hold-Don Woodward
- 3pm: Zumba with Cel Galizo
- 3:30pm: College of Adaptive Arts
- 4:30pm: Ensemble Folclorico Colibri
Saturday, October 19, 2019
East Stage
- 10am-1pm: Beagle at the Door
- 2-6pm: Johnny Neri Band
Biersch Garten
- 10am-6pm: Zicke-Zacke Band
- 3:00pm: Stein Holding & Best Dressed Contests
1st St. Stage
- 10:00am: Brooke & Emil
- 2pm-5:30pm: Mary Ellen Duo
Tessora's German Stage
- 10am-2pm: Deutscher Musikverein, San Francisco
- 3:00pm: TBA
Community Stage
- 10am: National Anthem
- 10:30am: Lady Fingers Guitar Duo
- 11:30am: Grace the Friendly Fairy
- Noon: Brandon Southworth
- 12:30pm: San Jose Saxophone Choir
- 1:30pm California Sports Center
- 2:30pm Cassandra & Taylor
- 3pm: Zumba with Cel Galizo
- 4pm: College of Adaptive Arts
- 5pm: Movement Elevation Dance Arts
You can download a copy of the schedule and event map.