Mo's Big Breakfast Bag to Go

Posted on March 28th, 2020 by Mo's the Breakfast and Burger Joint

Is all this sheltering in place making you hungry for the most important meal of the day, but you don't want to play dodgeball at the grocery store? Ok, then order a Mo's Big Breakfast Bag and we'll bring everything you need to feed the whole family right to your car! Each bag is only $50.

You can add in a Bloody Mary's ($13) or Mo'mosas to go ($15) for an extra charge.

Each Mo's Big Breakfast Bag includes:

  • bottle of ketchup
  • butter
  • cheese
  • carton of strawberries
  • bacon (8 slices)
  • sausages (8 pieces)
  • potatoes
  • eggs (1 dozen)
  • tomatoes
  • green onions
  • english muffins (8)
  • tortillas (8)
  • toilet paper (2)

Call 408.871.1300 to inquire about availability.
