Lots of people are taking advantage of the lowered infection rates in Santa Clara County to venture out a little more. Also with limited indoor dining resuming as of this week, Downtown Campbell at night doesn’t feel quite as pandemic as it did a few months ago (but daytime is still pretty quiet*).
Because of the increased foot traffic, it is more important than ever to always wear your mask except when you’re actually having a meal. This includes walking around, standing in line, or when seated at a table before food or drinks arrive.
Most people are doing this right and we want to thank you for your support as customers, for having the discipline that allowed us to open more, and for showing concern about the safety of our shopkeeps and workers.
*-Come in the afternoon if you want to avoid people. It’s fairly quiet even on weekends around mid-afternoon. Monday is quietest full stop as some spots don’t even open on Mondays.