Watch Slowfiber's Fashion Show 2021 on YouTube

Posted on May 25th, 2021 by Slowfiber

In celebration of international Fashion Revolution Week in April 2021, Old Monterey's own Slowfiber organized a virtual fashion show featuring the creative powers and considerable skill of Monterey County residents and Slowfiber customers who sewed, knitted, upcycled, and mended their own clothing and accessories in this past year. And now you can watch the entire 27 minute fashion show on YouTube!

Featuring Slowfiber owner Jaki Canterbury, with creative contributions from 24 makers and menders, this fashion show video is fun, wonderfully artistic, and revolutionary, throwing off the shackles of fast fashion and moving towards a more sustainable future. This small but mighty first show by Slowfiber brings together a hive mind of makers, menders, and supporters. Enjoy!

Slowfiber is a retail store and educational studio that encourages everyone to explore sustainable fashion through its construction and preservation. Visit Slowfiber at 517B Hartnell Street in Downtown Old Monterey.
