The Great Re-opening of June 15th and Downtown Campbell

Posted on June 18th, 2021 by sheldon

You probably know this. On June 15th, California re-opened.

What does that even mean?

It means that most, but not all Covid-19 related public health orders have been lifted for all the lucky people who've been vaccinated. For people who haven't been vaccinated, the new rules are relaxed, but remain more similar than not to what they were before.

As of the June 15th re-opening, businesses no longer have any capacity limits and for everyone who've been vaccinated, they're not required to enforce masking and social distancing. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean they can't still request on their own to have everyone wear a mask while on their premises.

Businesses that had specific restrictions on how they were allowed to operate, will no longer have those restrictions. Bars can be bars straight up. They don't have to serve food with your beer anymore. Entertainment venues can do their normal thing with only precautions required for people who haven't been vaccinated.

Some places may still require everyone to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status. If they do, they surely have a good reason. Please remember that every single small business is run by people who have families and we are all dealing with challenges that you can't see.

We're thrilled to be starting the return to the old normal, but the reality is that things are still a long ways from normal for people operating shops, restaurants, and services. 2021 is going to be a year of transition. Please help us get through this year by being your most compassionate and understanding self.

Farmers' Market + Outdoor Festivities

Many of you are probably eager to know when the Farmers' Market will be back in Downtown Campbell. That'll eventually happen, but there's no news for now.

Outdoor festivals and festivities? Some of those may happen and the organizers of those events want them to happen, but public health concerns are not the only logistical factors making their imminent return difficult.

Let's End the Pandemic for Good

If you haven't yet been vaccinated, please please please make it a priority to do so. The results are in and the so named Delta variant of Covid-19 has shown itself to be approximately twice as contagious as the initial strains of Covid-19 and might also be more severe. The good news is that if you've completed your shots, you're unlikely to get it and are well protected from developing a severe case even if you do.

Getting vaccinated is not only free, but you can actually collect a $50 reward for getting vaccinated and be entered into drawings for prizes donated by supporting organizations. If you need help finding a vaccination location, just go to
