Monterey County Health Department Recommends Masks Indoors

Posted on July 19th, 2021 by omba

On July 19, 2021, Monterey County Health Department issued a new announcement:

"With cases of COVID-19 rising locally and increased reports of the very infectious Delta variant, the Counties of Monterey, Napa, San Benito, and Santa Cruz recommend that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places. Out of an abundance of caution, people are recommended to wear masks indoors in places like grocery or retail stores, theaters, and family entertainment centers, even if they are fully vaccinated.

"Businesses are urged to adopt universal masking requirements for customers entering indoor areas of their businesses to provide better protection to their employees and customers. This will also make it easier for businesses to be sure unvaccinated people are masked.”

The Health Department also reminds us that fully vaccinated people are well-protected from infections and serious illness due to Covid-19 (including the Delta variant). Vaccinating as many people as possible continues to be our best defense! To find a vaccination site near you, please visit or call 2-1-1 .

To view the entire press release, please click here.
