Events are coming back to Downtown Campbell in 2022

Posted on March 5th, 2022 by Downtown Campbell

For obvious reasons, things haven't been the same in Downtown Campbell for quite some time. Events and celebrations of all kinds is at the center of what makes Downtown Campbell the beloved little hotspot that it is and we haven't been able to roll out our usual slate of events for two years now.

That won't change entirely in 2022, but we intend to do everything we can to return to being the Downtown Campbell that you know and love. We're planning on resuming all of our normal regular events as much as conditions will allow in 2022.

When we say "conditions," you're probably thinking of Covid public health related conditions, but that's not all of it. So much has changed in the past two years that some things that used to be routine end up being a lot more work than usual. Vendors, volunteers, and organizations that were previously relied upon may not be around anymore or may no longer have the resources needed for certain activities. Please understand that getting back to being the old Downtown Campbell is going to be a big challenge and will take some time.

Here's a tentative list of some events that will be coming back to Downtown Campbell.

  • First Fridays
  • Second Saturdays (music only)
  • Spring and Fall Wine Walks
  • Sidewalk Sales
  • Creepy Crawly Halloween
  • Small Business Saturday
  • Carol of Lights
  • Christmas in Campbell Entertainment

Additionally there will be the two big festival events put on by the Campbell Chamber of Commerce. Boogie Music Festival and Oktoberfest should happen on their normal dates.

There are also some more fun events that we're hoping to bring back or start fresh with, but are still pending. Please sign up for our mailing list or follow us on social media to get all of our latest updates.