A New Logo and Look for Downtown Campbell Online

Posted on August 26th, 2023 by Downtown Campbell

If you follow our social media, you may have noticed that Downtown Campbell appears to be trying out a new look. It's true. We're changing our logo from the well traveled water tower logo that was designed for us by Sonya Paz over 15 years ago and had been used as the identity banner of Downtown Campbell since 2008.

Our new logo is the wonderful work of Sally-Anne Peterson, one of the current board members of the Downtown Campbell Business Association and the owner of Quintessential Real Estate. We've been searching for a new look for the Downtown Campbell brand for years now and a lot of different things have been tried. The amount of effort Sally put in (as a volunteer no less) to get this over the finish line is unimaginable except for those who've attempted a similar challenge for a community as dynamic as Downtown Campbell.

The classic look from 2008 isn't going to completely disappear anytime soon. There's still stuff that pops up around town and online that's from even before that time. Given all the things that Downtown Campbell is and is involved in, it'll probably be a year or two before we finish the transition with the website getting an overhaul sometime in the first half of 2024.

The introduction of our new logo would be a good time to let you know more about the people behind the logo and much of the culture of Downtown Campbell. We're the Downtown Campbell Business Association (DCBA), an independently funded organization of business owners and locals united in the shared interest of having a vibrant downtown as a place where community grows.
