New Tarot Reader at Luminata

Posted on September 4th, 2023 by Luminata Books & Gifts

Luminata Books and Gifts, located at 631 Cass Street in Downtown Old Monterey, welcomes our newest reader, Irina Mulvey. Irina is available on Thursdays, 10:30am-6:30pm, by appointment only - please call us at 831-333-1110.

Irina is an intuitive, compassionate Tarot reader and energy healer who creates a safe space for people facing changes and challenges in their personal, romantic, and business lives. Her extensive experience includes reading Tarot from a Jungian perspective, having completed the Jungian Certificate Program hosted by Jung Platform.

In addition, Irina is a Certified Healing Touch Instructor and Practitioner, a heart-centered energy healing modality which aligns with her heart-centered approach to Tarot readings.

Luminata Books and Gifts is open Tuesday - Friday, 10:30am-6:30pm; Saturday, 11am-6:30pm; and Sunday, 12pm-5pm.