Sponsorship Packages for the Carol of Lights 2016

Posted on November 15th, 2016 by Downtown Campbell

The annual 2016 “Carol of Lights” festival will be held on Saturday December 3rd from 5:00pm until 8:00pm. The Downtown Campbell Business Association invites you to the streets of Historic Downtown Campbell for this free event. This non- commercial, family oriented event brings people in the Campbell community together for an evening of Holiday fun. There are a variety of attractions for the children, including; real snow, bounce houses, a petting zoo, pony rides, arts and crafts, face painting, a photo booth, etc.

After the passing of our beloved Sally Howe, a group of community members and volunteers have taken on this event in her honor. In the past, Sally’s fundraising efforts have been through recycling, community dinners, personal donations, bunco nights, and so on. Since this event has become more popular, the committee is seeking more donations from individuals, local businesses and corporate level sponsors. We need your help in order to carry on this festive downtown tradition!

The sponsorship amounts and benefits are as follows:

$1,000 Sponsorship

Full banner with business logo and information in a populated
area during the festival. Prominent recognition on website, social media sites, event poster and brochure.

$500 Sponsorship

Business logo on smaller banner in a populated area during the festival. Recognition on website, social media sites, event poster and brochure.

$100 Sponsorship

Business listed on poster and printed materials.

Please make check payable to “Campbell Parks and Recreation Foundation”. This foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation and any donation made is fully tax-deductible.


The Carol of Lights Event Committee
Non Profit EIN: 45-2418433 (Campbell Parks and Recreation Foundation)
Contact Brooke Ramirez
phone 408-649-0948