Earth Friendly Diaper Options

This event has already passed

The average baby will use approximately 6,000 diapers before they are potty trained. How we choose to diaper our baby has a tremendous and lasting impact on the environment.

In this one hour workshop, a Tiny Tots Diaper Service diapering expert will present various options for more eco-friendly diapering. This class will provide information on Compostable Diaper Service at Tiny Tots, and an overview of the most common cloth diapering systems available commercially. This is a great class for anyone who is cloth diaper curious, or has an interest in other convenient options for sustainably diapering their little one. There will be plenty of time for questions and interaction, and some hands-on practice with different diaper types.

A redeemable deposit of $10 per family, for up to 2 people, is required. This class fee is redeemable towards either a boutique purchase or your diaper service account at the conclusion of the workshop.

Event Details

Starts at:
Ends at:
138 Railway Ave
Campbell, CA 95008