Finding Inner Balance: Talk and Shamanic Ritual with Jon Rasmussen
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Luminata Books & Gifts presents Finding Inner Balance: A Talk and Shamanic Ritual for the Summer Solstice with Jon Rasmussen on Friday, September 13 at 7:45pm. The event is free; love offerings are accepted.
As summer draws to a close and we approach the autumn equinox, light slowly gives way to the coming shadows. At the time of the equinox on September 23, the cosmic scales of light and dark achieve balance. The annual cycle of the sun is a symbol of the journey of the human soul. Achieving inner balance is a goal for which all of us strive. The dualities of earth life include light and dark, spirit and matter, masculine and feminine.
Popular local shaman Jon Rasmussen will speak on the theme of finding inner balance. He will also conduct a shamanic ritual for drawing down more light as we approach the autumn equinox.
Jon Rasmussen is a local shaman and author of Dreaming Your World into Being. His studies include apprenticeship with world famous shaman Alberto Villoldo, and tutelage in the Andes with the Q'ero Indians of Peru. Jon has a national reputation as a carrier of the authentic shamanic tradition of the Americas.