The Downtown Campbell Survival Project

Downtown Campbell has always enjoyed a tight relationship with our local community and in these very scary times we're counting on this bond to help us get through the Covid-19 pandemic. Support Downtown Campbell businesses and win prizes. Let's get through this as a community and have a little fun however we can.

Ways to enter our monthly prize drawings:

Current Prizes

  • One $50 gift card of your choice to any retail shop of your choice
  • One $25 gift card to Opa Authentic Greek!
  • Free 1 dozen bagels from The Bagel Bar
  • Five $10 certificates to Blue Line Pizza

Contest period: Aug 8th - Sept 7th

1) Enter by Buying Something

Spend $25 or more with any business that has an entry in our Business Directory and we'll give you two entries in our monthly drawings. You must email proof of purchase to

Order Food

Our Shelter-in-Place Dining Guide lists restaurants in Downtown Campbell that are open for takeout and delivery.

Shop Online

Our Shelter-in-Place Mall is a directory of shops who are selling online. Some do not have formal online shops, but will ship to you if you tell them what you want from their social media pages.

Gift Cards

Buy gift cards from a business that you can use later if you want to show some support, but aren't in a shopping mood.

2) Enter through Social Media

Be on the lookout for any posts from our official social media accounts that are tagged with #VivaDTC. These will be posts that promote the Downtown Campbell Survival Project. For every one of these posts that you share and like (you must do both), we'll give you one entry into our monthly drawings. BTW Facebook users, only LIKES get counted. We can't process other reactions. Please also tag the Downtown Campbell account as a mention to ensure that we can confirm you shared the posts.

Find Downtown Campbell on: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

3) Enter by Donating

If you just want to throw a little coin into a virtual tip jar to encourage one of our businesses to hang in there, here's a directory of GoFundMe campaigns benefitting various Downtown Campbell businesses.

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