Introducing the Downtown Campbell Survival Project

Posted on April 7th, 2020 by sheldon

This month, we're starting the Downtown Campbell Survival Project. The Covid-19 economy has been devastating to our shops and we need some help. We're asking for your assistance, but we're going to do it in a fun way because we're Downtown Campbell.

Help Us + Get Prizes

Anytime you donate to a Downtown Campbell related GoFundMe, buy a gift card, order food, or buy something online, we'll enter you into a monthly drawing for prizes if you email us a proof of purchase to We'll give you two entries for each one of these that you do that's at least $25 in value.

We have an official Downtown Campbell Fund on GoFundMe as well as additional related GoFundMe campaigns you can donate to if you want to support our retailers during these difficult times.

Please see our Downtown Campbell Survival Project page for all the details.

More Ways to Enter!

You can also earn entries for liking and sharing* any posts from our official social media accounts that are tagged with #VivaDTC.

Find Downtown Campbell on: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Our first lot of prizes are 6 gift cards of $50 each. Winners will be allowed to choose any gift card available in our Gift Card Directory.

The first contest period starts on April 8th and ends on May 9th. Winners will be notified the week of May 10th.

We'll do this every month until the Shelter-in-Place has been lifted.

*-You must do both (like and share) for each post to qualify and they must be posts made from our official accounts.
