Meet Children's Author Alondra Bustos Garcia at Luminata Books
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Luminata Books and Gifts presents a meet-and-greet with local author Alondra Bustos Garcia on Sunday, September 10, 1pm-2:30pm. Please call Luminata to reserve your spot as space is limited, 831-333-1110.
Alondra is the author of two children's books: "Learning a New Language / Aprendiendo un Lenguaje Nuevo" and "The Phoebe and Penny Series / La Serie Phoebe y Penny Su Mundo."
With a decade of experience in the field of early childhood education, Alondra has a passion for empowering youngsters to start or continue their bilingual journey. A resident of Monterey County who was originally from Morelia, Michoacan, Alondra speaks English as a second language. She strives to provide enriching bilingual literature for children and empower other aspiring authors.