Creepy Crawly Halloween Trick-or-Treat
This event has already passed

Bring your two and four legged little ghouls, goblins, and superheroes to our haunted district for some scary good fun and Trick or Treating!
Our annual Creepy Crawly Halloween is a two hour costume extravaganza in the streets of Downtown Campbell. Candy and other freebies are certainly a big part of this event, but most people come mainly to revel in a community wide costume party in the streets and get some candy as an added bonus.
With the number of people that we draw to our event, it's not likely that you're going to leave with a full bucket of candy so if you're mainly coming for the candy, you'll probably leave disappointed despite our best efforts every year to make more candy available and involve more organizations.
This is a VERY popular event and it will be crowded so if you're bringing sensitive children or animals, please take special precautions.
No Costume Contest
There will not be a costume contest this year.
Social Media
Please tag your Creepy Crawly Halloween photos in Downtown Campbell with #creepycrawlycampbell.