California Senate & State Assembly Candidates Forum

This event has already passed

The Willow Glen Neighborhood Association is pleased to host a Candidates Forum for those running for California State Senate and State Assembly. Tonight, we will be featuring candidates for State Senate, Jim Beall and Joe Coto, and candidates for State Assembly, Paul Fong and Chad Walsh. The event will be held 7pm-9pm; doors will open at 6:30pm.

As the November election nears, it's important that we all understand the issues. Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear state office seekers address our community on core issues such as budgets, education, health care, the environment, sales tax for school, pension reform, and infrastructure. These issues are at the eahrt of California's future recovery and growth. Join us for an informative evening with these four candidates.

Cost: free

More Info

Event Details

Starts at:
2001 Cottle Ave
San Jose, CA 95125