It's not too late to join the Campbell Recreation Department this holiday season for a Tennis or Soccer Camp! For more information, click the links below.
Build and program robots in this introductory Robotics class using the LEGO WeDo system. Learn basic programming skills, simple engineering concepts, and the names of robot components, and complete a variety of projects using tilt and motion sensors. This is...
Campbell Recreation Winter-Spring 2022 Registration Begins next week! Winter is approaching fast! Registration for the Winter-Spring 2022 classes begins on December 7th at 9 AM for Campbell Residents and December 8th at 9 AM for everyone else. Check out the...
Santa Claus will take time out of his busy holiday schedule to make this special annual event at the Campbell Community Center! Parents participate with their child/children. Santa will read a holiday story and children will have the opportunity to...
Flex Fitness is our new pay as you go fitness classes. With Flex Fitness you can pick and choose the classes and days you want to attend. You have the flexibility to purchase one class at a time or multiple classes, the choices is yours.
Fall is a great time to be in Campbell! We're excited to offer more youth, adult, and 50+ activities, debut our new Flex Fitness program, and welcome back our annual Oktoberfest Fun Run at Campbell Park. We're also thrilled to...