Move over Pumpkin Spice Latte! Jelly Belly just came out with Pumpkin Pie Jelly Beans!!! Shown with Jelly Belly Fall favorites: the one and only Jelly Belly Candy Corn and Jelly Belly Mellowcream Pumpkins. Rocket Fizz in Campbell has them...
All right, I am calling in the Drill Sargent of Positive Energy, we have a situation here! (That is correct THE Bob Ross was in fact a Drill Sargent). As tribute we have the Bob Ross Candy Box!
If you can be anything in this world, please be kind. If you can't be kind then maybe you need to be a Unicorn! We can help you make that a possibility.
Real German Haribo gummies! No artificial flavors or colors. New to the scene are the Sweet and Sour Bears and Naughty Foxes. Plus the original Goldbaren, the gummy that started it all. Only at Rocket Fizz Campbell!
Sample candy from around the world and try to guess where they're from! Winner gets a gift certificate to Rocket Fizz. No sign-ups required. For ages 12 to 18.