
Moonfyre Metaphysical: Intro To Tarot

Moonfyre Metaphysical
Intro To Tarot

Class - $25
Deck - $10
June 7, 2012
7:30 - 9pm

M.W. Roman will teach you how to quickly access simple advice for our complicated world using his Magus Arts Tarot....

Alternative Techniques for Classroom Management

1195 Clark St Mandala Room

We invite you to join us for an evening of re-juvenation,
relaxation, re-charging, and healing.
You will receive:
Energy Healing and Chakra Clearing for refreshment and
How to...

Rejuvenate Your Relationship

$79 per couple
The Enlightened Mind

It's time to reconnect with your partner and rejuvenate your relationship with this workshop at The Enlightened Mind . Over time, the excitement often begins to fade and you find yourselves stuck in the same old patterns. Responsibilities,...

Release & Transform Chronic Pain with Qigong

HillPark Medical Center

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Children's Story Time at East West Bookstore

FREE. Call to reserve a ticket
East West Bookstore

Come enjoy an engaging
read-aloud of Mustard: A Story About Soft Love and Strong Values
by Jessel Miller. The beautiful illustrations and timeless values of
this heartwarming story—the first in...

Occupy Your Heart: Your Key to the Wealth of Creation

$33 by Feb. 3, $40 at the door
Divine Science Community Cente

Are you feeling "stuck" and "squeezed" for resources? Do you have a dream you long to manifest? Or would you simply like to take your creative life to the next...

Post-Holiday Healing Musical Event

Moonfyre Metaphysical

Moonfyre Metaphysical presents a Post-Holiday Healing Musical Event with Karen Pittsley-Glenn (Medicine Song Event: Monthly Women's Moon Events) and Bruce Manaka (CD: "Sonic Ascension" & Author of "Flight of a Runaway Monk").

Known for channeling powerful...

The Reiki Master Journey

$1400 (includes food & lodging
Moonfyre Metaphysical

Announcing… The Reiki Master Journey . This is a three day intensive workshop taking place Thursday, February 2 through Sunday, February 5, 2012.

Sponosred by Moonfyre Metaphysical, this will be a life-enhancing workshop dedicated to the teaching of...

The Traditional Reiki Journey

The Enlightened Mind

Traditional Reiki Master and Angel Therapy Practitioner Rockie Arambula invites you to spend the weekend with her as she teaches you the traditional Sacred Ancient Art of Reiki and how to connect with your Angels and Guides.

Announcing… The...

A Medicine Song Event: The Women's Monthly Moon Event

Moonfyre Metaphysical

A Medicine Song Event For Women: The Women's Monthly Moon Event, Healing With The Spirits Of The Ancient Healers as Channeled by Karen Pittsley.

Started from a single, yet powerful women’s event, this new monthly women’s gathering at Moonfyre...

Back in Love Again-Make 2012 the Best Year with Your Partner

The Enlightened Mind

Is it possible to be madly in love with your partner again? The answer is YES! But you must first discard the old model of relating, which keeps many of us stuck in unhealthy patterns. In fact, many of...
