Learn the Thriller Dance for the South Bay Thrill the World Zombie Crawl!
This event has already passed

Starting in September, every Wednesday leading up to the weekend before Halloween, there will be a free workshop at Adira Dance and Costume in San Jose to teach people the Michael Jackson Thriller dance routine. On the big weekend, you'll have the opportunity to join the group for various performances around the South Bay, including in Downtown Campbell.
The workshops will take place in the parking lot in front of Adira Dance and Costume at 2038 Lincoln Ave in San Jose. The workshops are not in or near Downtown Campbell, but the biggest performances for the group will be in Downtown Campbell so we're helping to spread the word.
Performance Schedule TBD
The leaders of the dance team don't have a performance schedule yet this year, but it's expected that their big night in Downtown Campbell will either be Friday, October 25th or Saturday, October 26th. Typically the group begins making appearances at various events on Friday night and wraps up on Sunday.
Guiness Book Record Attempt
There is one "official" dance on Sunday that's part of a world-wide synchronized attempt at the Guiness Book's record for largest simultaneous global dance event. In recent years, the group concludes their activities by appearing at Creepy Crawly Halloween in Downtown Campbell for some Trick or Treat performances.