If you follow our social media, you may have noticed that Downtown Campbell appears to be trying out a new look. It's true. We've been searching for a new look for the Downtown Campbell brand for years now and a lot of different things have been tried.
The Downtown Campbell Business Association (us) would like to give a big thank you to County Supervisor Susan Ellenberg's office for donating $500 to help us with the costs of the festivities around the Bunnies and Bonnets Parade last weekend.
Every year, as part of the Celebrate Campbell Awards Dinner event, the Campbell Chamber of Commerce invites us (Downtown Campbell Business Association) to name a person to honor for their contributions to our little fun village of Downtown Campbell in...
Please join us at Darling & Fischer to light a candle for our beloved Kelly Crowley. We will meet at Darling & Fischer and have a walk of her remembrance down Campbell Avenue to Khartoum followed by a champagne toast at the bar. All are welcome to come down and celebrate her amazing life.
Well, we have some sad news. Rockie Arambula, the owner of the recently closed Moonfyre Metaphysical in Downtown Campbell has lost her fight with cancer.
Here are some of the faces that make Downtown Campbell more than just a small district with restaurants and some shops. Every month, a different business in Downtown Campbell hosts this gathering of business owners, nonprofit representatives, and City of...
The Campbell Police Foundation had its annual breakfast benefit this morning at the Home Church to raise funds for the foundation. Key members of the Downtown Campbell Business Association (DCBA) were there to support the foundation and to thank the...
Each year, the DCBA picks a member of the year to honor for all of their hard work and contributions to the social climate in Downtown Campbell. This year we're honoring Kelly Crowley , the general manager and driving force behind the popular sports lounge, Khartoum, as our very deserving DCBA member of the year.