SiP Mall

Breaktime Tea

199 E Campbell Ave Campbell, CA 95008
fresh tea, milk tea, boba drinks, hot snacks, desserts

Mo's Big Breakfast Bag to Go

Campbell, CA

Is all this sheltering in place making you hungry for the most important meal of the day, but you don't want to play dodgeball at the grocery store? Ok, then order a Mo's Big Breakfast Bag and we'll bring everything you need to feed the whole family right to your car! Each bag is only $50.

Best Sellers and Book Requests from Recycle Bookstore during Shelter-in-Place

Campbell, CA

Are you running out of good pulp (as in books, not toilet paper) during this shelter-in-place? Recycle Bookstore can help (with the books, not the toilet paper). A couple of times a day, Stacy goes to check up on the bookstore and feed Max the kitty. You can place an order for a new bestseller that's in stock or you can inquire about a title that you're looking for and she'll grab a copy for you while she's there and mail it to you.