By now, all of you have probably heard that California reopened on June 15. You may be asking: what does that mean?
It means that most, but not all, Covid-19 related public health orders have been lifted for all the lucky people who've been vaccinated. For people who haven't been vaccinated, the new rules are somewhat relaxed, but remain similar to what they were before.
As of June 15, businesses in Downtown Old Monterey no longer have any capacity limits and most are not required to enforce masking and social distancing for anyone who's been vaccinated, Keep in mind that they can still request that everyone wear a mask while on their premises.
If a business is still requiring everyone to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status, they surely have a good reason for doing so. Please remember that each small business is run by someone who has a family and is dealing with challenges that you can't see. While we're all thrilled to be starting the return to normal, the reality is that for people operating shops, restaurants, and services, things are still a long way from normal. 2021 is going to be a year of transition.
Please help us by being your most compassionate and understanding self. If wearing a mask is not something you're willing to do, just take your money to another business until their rules change.
If you're vaccinated but still want to continue to wear a mask, you're welcome to do that regardless of what other people are doing around you.
Want to get vaccinated for Covid-19? Now is a great time to get vaccinated - there are many free appointments available in Monterey County . Increased vaccination rates protect your physical health as well as our economic health. We simply do not want to return to shutdowns and curfews. Vaccines are the most important tool we have to return California to a vibrant, growing, and healthy economy. Anda!